Using Terminal (screen) in Mac OS X for RSR232 (Console Access)
In order to access servers or network gear via a Mac you will first likely need a Bluetooth to RS232 adapter or USB -> Serial (DB9) adapter. This will of course allow to access the serial/console port on the desired device. After this is setup, accessing a console view for the device is rather simple in OS X.
- Launch OS X Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal).
- Discover what your USB or Bluetooth to Serial device is by typing “ls /dev/tty*”
- Output will look like:
- Type “screen /dev/tty.usbserial 9600” to connect to your device
- Then start typing. To quit the screen app, type control-A, then control-\.
- In order to break you can type Control-A, Control-B. To break more than once, just do Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-B.
macbook$ ls /dev/tty*