Windows 10 Enterprise Cannot Activate Using the Default Key

If you receive the error message trying to activate Windows 10 after a refresh or rollback, you may have trouble using the Windows 10 Enterprise Product key, and receive the error “Windows cannot activate using the default key”.

First try “slui 3” and then try slmgr from a command prompt as follows:

  1. Windows Key + R, type the following and hit enter “slui 3” <ENTER>, after typing this a prompt will open asking you to enter the Windows 10 product key. Enter the Windows 10 product key for Enterprise (for example: PBHCJ-Q2NYD-2PX34-T2TD6-233PK)
  2. If this fails again, you may run the following from a command prompt with Administrative privileges: “slmgr -ipk PBHCJ-Q2NYD-2PX34-T2TD6-233PK” <ENTER>

After entering the following, the Windows 10 key should be changed, and Windows should activate.

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